Meat - a comedy, sort of
by Neil O’Sullivan - 2007
“Are you tender, fragile perhaps? Then be warned. The tale that follows contains scenes of murder, betrayal, adultery, bisexuality, fellatio, castration, prostitution, pornography, male, female and vegetable sodomy and at least six varieties of drug abuse...
Not forgetting the psychological torture, epic battle of sexual wits, nudity, poverty, gambling, corruption, embezzlement, political scandal, cannibalism, necrophilia, organized crime and group sex.”
Victorian melodrama meets Quentin Tarantino; - at turns clever, witty and gruesome, Meat is a beautiful, bizarre, expedition into the darkest recesses of the human psyche.
From Cork playwright Neil O’Sullivan (author of Hatch 22, and Honey, My Head Is On Fire,) comes a spine chilling, gothic tale of sex and death (though not necessarily in that order).
Louise - Gerrie O Grady
Richard - Mark O Brien
Ethan - Cormac Costello
The Creative Team:
Writer - Neil O Sullivan
Director - Donal Gallagher
Set Design - Olan Wrynn and Medb Lambert
Lighting design - Kath Geraghty
Sound Design - Cormac O Connor
Costume Design - Lisa Zagone
Stage manager - Kathie Roettger
Adam McEldery - lighting operator
Sound op - Kathie Roettger
ASM - Kelly Chisholm
For The Granary
Artistic Director: Tony McCleane-Fay
Technical Manager: Kath Geraghty
Administration: Maeve Lewis
Production Manager: Gavin Dillon